Perc solar cells a smart choice over standard solar cells
Just like mobile manufacturers keep coming with a new handset every month with added features and advanced technology similarly, manufacturers of solar energy components keep innovating to bring cutting-edge and cost-effective technology to the table. The PV industry thrives on maximizing users’ ROI and the efficiency of the solar cells.
Over the last few years, technological advancement in the renewable energy industry is on the rise. With advancement, PERC (Passivated Emitter and Rear Cell) solar cell has emerged as the new favoured technology for manufacturers. It is an improved cell architecture which uses extra layers on the rear side of the cell to double the light absorption and increase overall “quantum efficiency”. It converts the solar light into usable electricity easily with its high-efficiency cells. It performs well in low-light conditions and high temperature. PERC cell technology is known for its flexibility and energy-dense solar installation.
What gives PERC cells an edge over conventional solar cells?
If we compare the construction of the standard and PERC cells, both of them use silicon to convert sunlight into electricity, the built is quite identical. However, the only difference PERC cells have is that one additional rear surface passivation layer. Passivation layer gives cells a boost to create more and be more efficient by improving and optimizing electron capture.